Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014.....I Love Even Numbers

Happy 2014 folks! Yeah, a few days late I guess, but within the first week. It counts.

Not really sure where to start, what to share. Things have been busy, if not terribly exciting.

Christmas was really good. We went to my parents' place, relaxed, visited, ate a little more than we should of, shopped WAY too much.We were lucky enough to get together with some good friends as well.  I enjoyed it, but, I always do when we go there.

I made it through the initial 6 weeks of training for the bank. I feel that I am now semi-competent in my position. The most important things I have learned are:
     1. Take my time. Accuracy is better than speed.
     2. If you don't know the answer ASK SOMEONE.
When I made the choice to take this casual position, it sounded great. I was so tired and broken from my other job, I thought it was just what I needed. What I didn't count on was how much I would enjoy this new job! This is my first official week as a "Casual" employee really. I only work Thursday afternoon. Feels very odd, I think I'll miss it.

The kids are back to school tomorrow. 2 are excited and 2 are bummed. 50/50  split, not bad I figure. I think deep down they're all a little glad. After 2 weeks, I know they'll be glad to see their friends and get away from each other a bit.

I am also getting back to taking care of myself. I've let so much lapse....well, nevermind that. I can't change what's happened over the past 6 months. What I can do is start doing the things I love again. Running, Zumba, cooking and creating in my kitchen. So be warned: future posts will include food pictures and long ramblings about my fitness progress.

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